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Component Emits

Developer Interface

Continuing from props, let's implement emits.
The implementation of emits is relatively simple, so it will be finished quickly.

In terms of the developer interface, emits will be received from the second argument of the setup function.

const MyComponent: Component = {
  props: { someMessage: { type: String } },

  setup(props: any, { emit }: any) {
    return () =>
      h('div', {}, [
        h('p', {}, [`someMessage: ${props.someMessage}`]),
        h('button', { onClick: () => emit('click:change-message') }, [
          'change message',

const app = createApp({
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({ message: 'hello' })
    const changeMessage = () => {
      state.message += '!'

    return () =>
      h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [
            'some-message': state.message,
            'onClick:change-message': changeMessage,


Similar to props, let's create a file called ~/packages/runtime-core/componentEmits.ts and implement it there.

export function emit(
  instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
  event: string,
  ...rawArgs: any[]
) {
  const props = instance.vnode.props || {}
  let args = rawArgs

  let handler =
    props[toHandlerKey(event)] || props[toHandlerKey(camelize(event))]

  if (handler) handler(...args)


export const capitalize = (str: string) =>
  str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)

export const toHandlerKey = (str: string) => (str ? `on${capitalize(str)}` : ``)


export interface ComponentInternalInstance {
  // .
  // .
  // .
  emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void

export function createComponentInstance(
  vnode: VNode,
): ComponentInternalInstance {
  const type = vnode.type as Component

  const instance: ComponentInternalInstance = {
    // .
    // .
    // .
    emit: null!, // to be set immediately

  instance.emit = emit.bind(null, instance)
  return instance

You can pass this to the setup function.


export type ComponentOptions = {
  props?: Record<string, any>
  setup?: (
    props: Record<string, any>,
    ctx: { emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void },
  ) => Function // To receive ctx.emit
  render?: Function
const mountComponent = (initialVNode: VNode, container: RendererElement) => {
    const instance: ComponentInternalInstance = (initialVNode.component =

    const { props } = instance.vnode;
    initProps(instance, props);

    const component = initialVNode.type as Component;
    if (component.setup) {
      // Pass emit
      instance.render = component.setup(instance.props, {
        emit: instance.emit,
      }) as InternalRenderFunction;

Let's test the functionality with an example of the developer interface we assumed earlier!
If it works properly, you can now communicate between components using props/emit!

Source code up to this point:
chibivue (GitHub)

Released under the MIT License.