Try Implementing a Small Reactivity System
Reactivity Mechanism Using Proxy
Differences in Design Compared to the Current vuejs/core
As of December 2024, Vue.js's Reactivity system employs a doubly linked list-based Observer Pattern.
This implementation, introduced in Refactor reactivity system to use version counting and doubly-linked list tracking, has contributed significantly to performance improvements.
However, for those implementing a reactivity system for the first time, this can be somewhat challenging to grasp. In this chapter, we will create a simplified implementation of the traditional (pre-optimization) system.
For a more detailed explanation of a system closer to the current implementation, please refer to Reactivity Optimization.
Another significant improvement, feat(reactivity): more efficient reactivity system, will be covered in a separate chapter.
To clarify the purpose again, the purpose this time is to "execute updateComponent
when the state is changed". Let me explain the implementation process using Proxy.
First, Vue.js's Reactivity System involves target
, Proxy
, ReactiveEffect
, Dep
, track
, trigger
, targetMap
, and activeEffect
(currently activeSub
First, let's talk about the structure of targetMap. targetMap is a mapping of keys and deps for a certain target. Target refers to the object you want to make reactive, and dep refers to the effect (function) you want to execute. You can think of it that way. In code, it looks like this:
type Target = any // any target
type TargetKey = any // any key that the target has
const targetMap = new WeakMap<Target, KeyToDepMap>() // defined as a global variable in this module
type KeyToDepMap = Map<TargetKey, Dep> // a map of target's key and effect
type Dep = Set<ReactiveEffect> // dep has multiple ReactiveEffects
class ReactiveEffect {
// here, you give the function you want to actually apply as an effect (in this case, updateComponent)
public fn: () => T,
) {}
It means registering "a certain effect" for "a certain key" of "a certain target (object)".
It might be hard to understand just by looking at the code, so here is a concrete example and a supplementary diagram.
Consider a component like the following:
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const state1 = reactive({ name: "John", age: 20 })
const state2 = reactive({ count: 0 })
function onCountUpdated() {
console.log("count updated")
watch(() => state2.count, onCountUpdated)
return () => h("p", {}, `name: ${}`)
Although we haven't implemented watch
in this chapter yet, it is written here for the sake of illustration.
In this component, the targetMap will eventually be formed as follows.
The key of targetMap is "a certain target". In this example, state1 and state2 correspond to that.
The keys that these targets have become the keys of targetMap.
The effects associated with them become the values.
In the part () => h("p", {}, name: ${})
, the mapping state1->name->updateComponentFn
is registered, and in the part watch(() => state2.count, onCountUpdated)
, the mapping state2->count->onCountUpdated
is registered.
This basic structure is responsible for the rest, and then we think about how to create (register) targetMap and how to execute the effect.
That's where the concepts of track
and trigger
come in. As the names suggest, track
is a function that registers in targetMap
, and trigger
is a function that retrieves the effect from targetMap
and executes it.
export function track(target: object, key: unknown) {
// ..
export function trigger(target: object, key?: unknown) {
// ..
And these track
and trigger
are implemented in the get and set handlers of Proxy.
const state = new Proxy(
{ count: 1 },
get(target, key, receiver) {
track(target, key)
return target[key]
set(target, key, value, receiver) {
target[key] = value
trigger(target, key)
return true
The API for generating this Proxy is the reactive function.
function reactive<T>(target: T) {
return new Proxy(target, {
get(target, key, receiver) {
track(target, key)
return target[key]
set(target, key, value, receiver) {
target[key] = value
trigger(target, key)
return true
Here, you may notice one missing element. That is, "which function to register in track?". The answer is the concept of activeEffect
. This is also defined as a global variable in this module, just like targetMap, and is set in the run
method of ReactiveEffect.
let activeEffect: ReactiveEffect | undefined
class ReactiveEffect {
// here, you give the function you want to actually apply as an effect (in this case, updateComponent)
public fn: () => T,
) {}
run() {
activeEffect = this
return this.fn()
To understand how it works, imagine a component like this.
setup() {
const state = reactive({ count: 0 });
const increment = () => state.count++;
return function render() {
return h("div", { id: "my-app" }, [
h("p", {}, [`count: ${state.count}`]),
onClick: increment,
Internally, this is how reactivity is formed.
// Implementation inside chibivue
const app: App = {
mount(rootContainer: HostElement) {
const componentRender = rootComponent.setup!()
const updateComponent = () => {
const vnode = componentRender()
render(vnode, rootContainer)
const effect = new ReactiveEffect(updateComponent)
To explain step by step, first, the setup
function is executed.
A reactive proxy is generated at this point. In other words, any operation performed on the proxy created here will behave as configured in the proxy.
const state = reactive({ count: 0 }) // Generating a proxy
Next, we pass updateComponent
to create a ReactiveEffect
(Observer side).
const effect = new ReactiveEffect(updateComponent)
The componentRender
used in updateComponent
is a function that is the return value
of setup
, and this function references the object created by the proxy.
function render() {
return h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [
h('p', {}, [`count: ${state.count}`]), // Referencing the object created by the proxy
onClick: increment,
When this function is actually executed, the getter
function of state.count
is executed, and track
is triggered. In this situation, let's execute the effect.
Then, updateComponent
(a ReactiveEffect with updateComponent
) is set to activeEffect
. When track
is triggered in this state, a map of state.count
and updateComponent
(a ReactiveEffect with updateComponent
) is registered in targetMap
. This is how reactivity is formed.
Now, let's consider what happens when increment
is executed. Since increment
is rewriting state.count
, the setter
is executed, and trigger
is triggered. trigger
finds and executes the effect
(in this case, updateComponent) from targetMap
based on state
and count
. This is how the screen update is triggered!
This allows us to achieve reactivity.
It's a bit complicated, so let's summarize it in a diagram.
Based on these, let's implement it.
The most difficult part is understanding everything up to this point, so once you understand it, all you have to do is write the source code. However, even if you understand only the above, there may be some people who cannot understand it without knowing what is actually happening. For those people, let's try implementing it here first. Then, while reading the actual code, please refer back to the previous section!
First, let's create the necessary files. We will create them in packages/reactivity
. Here, we will try to be conscious of the configuration of the original Vue as much as possible.
pwd # ~
mkdir packages/reactivity
touch packages/reactivity/index.ts
touch packages/reactivity/dep.ts
touch packages/reactivity/effect.ts
touch packages/reactivity/reactive.ts
touch packages/reactivity/baseHandler.ts
As usual, index.ts
just exports, so I won't explain it in detail. Export what you want to use from the reactivity external package here.
Next is dep.ts
import { type ReactiveEffect } from './effect'
export type Dep = Set<ReactiveEffect>
export const createDep = (effects?: ReactiveEffect[]): Dep => {
const dep: Dep = new Set<ReactiveEffect>(effects)
return dep
There is no definition of effect
yet, but we will implement it later, so it's okay.
Next is effect.ts
import { Dep, createDep } from './dep'
type KeyToDepMap = Map<any, Dep>
const targetMap = new WeakMap<any, KeyToDepMap>()
export let activeEffect: ReactiveEffect | undefined
export class ReactiveEffect<T = any> {
constructor(public fn: () => T) {}
run() {
// ※ Save the activeEffect before executing fn and restore it after execution.
// If you don't do this, it will be overwritten one after another and behave unexpectedly. (Let's restore it to its original state when you're done)
let parent: ReactiveEffect | undefined = activeEffect
activeEffect = this
const res = this.fn()
activeEffect = parent
return res
export function track(target: object, key: unknown) {
let depsMap = targetMap.get(target)
if (!depsMap) {
targetMap.set(target, (depsMap = new Map()))
let dep = depsMap.get(key)
if (!dep) {
depsMap.set(key, (dep = createDep()))
if (activeEffect) {
export function trigger(target: object, key?: unknown) {
const depsMap = targetMap.get(target)
if (!depsMap) return
const dep = depsMap.get(key)
if (dep) {
const effects = [...dep]
for (const effect of effects) {
I haven't explained the contents of track
and trigger
so far, but they simply register and retrieve from targetMap
and execute them, so please try to read them carefully.
Next is baseHandler.ts
. Here, we define the handler for the reactive proxy. Well, you can implement it directly in reactive
, but I followed the original Vue because it is like this. In reality, there are various proxies such as readonly
and shallow
, so the idea is to implement the handlers for those proxies here. (We won't do it this time, though)
import { track, trigger } from './effect'
import { reactive } from './reactive'
export const mutableHandlers: ProxyHandler<object> = {
get(target: object, key: string | symbol, receiver: object) {
track(target, key)
const res = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)
// If it is an object, make it reactive (this allows nested objects to be reactive as well).
if (res !== null && typeof res === 'object') {
return reactive(res)
return res
set(target: object, key: string | symbol, value: unknown, receiver: object) {
let oldValue = (target as any)[key]
Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver)
// check if the value has changed
if (hasChanged(value, oldValue)) {
trigger(target, key)
return true
const hasChanged = (value: any, oldValue: any): boolean =>
!, oldValue)
Here, Reflect
appears, which is similar to Proxy
, but while Proxy
is for writing meta settings for objects, Reflect
is for performing operations on existing objects. Both Proxy
and Reflect
are APIs for meta programming related to objects in the JS engine, and they allow you to perform meta operations compared to using objects normally. You can execute functions that change the object, execute functions that read the object, and check if a key exists, and perform various meta operations. For now, it's okay to understand that Proxy
is for meta settings at the stage of creating an object, and Reflect
is for meta operations on existing objects.
Next is reactive.ts
import { mutableHandlers } from './baseHandler'
export function reactive<T extends object>(target: T): T {
const proxy = new Proxy(target, mutableHandlers)
return proxy as T
Now that the implementation of reactive
is complete, let's try using them when mounting. ~/packages/runtime-core/apiCreateApp.ts
import { ReactiveEffect } from '../reactivity'
export function createAppAPI<HostElement>(
render: RootRenderFunction<HostElement>,
): CreateAppFunction<HostElement> {
return function createApp(rootComponent) {
const app: App = {
mount(rootContainer: HostElement) {
const componentRender = rootComponent.setup!()
const updateComponent = () => {
const vnode = componentRender()
render(vnode, rootContainer)
// From here
const effect = new ReactiveEffect(updateComponent)
// To here
return app
Now, let's try it in the playground.
import { createApp, h, reactive } from 'chibivue'
const app = createApp({
setup() {
const state = reactive({ count: 0 })
const increment = () => {
return function render() {
return h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [
h('p', {}, [`count: ${state.count}`]),
h('button', { onClick: increment }, ['increment']),
The rendering is working fine now, but something seems off. Well, it's not surprising because in updateComponent
, we create elements every time. So, let's remove all the elements before each rendering.
Modify the render
function in ~/packages/runtime-core/renderer.ts
like this:
const render: RootRenderFunction = (vnode, container) => {
while (container.firstChild) container.removeChild(container.firstChild) // Add code to remove all elements
const el = renderVNode(vnode)
hostInsert(el, container)
Now, how about this?
Now it seems to be working fine!
Now we can update the screen with reactive
Source code up to this point: GitHub