Component Props
Developer Interface
Let's start with props.
Let's think about the final developer interface.
Let's consider that props are passed as the first argument to the setup
const MyComponent = {
props: { message: { type: String } },
setup(props) {
return () => h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [`message: ${props.message}`])
const app = createApp({
setup() {
const state = reactive({ message: 'hello' })
const changeMessage = () => {
state.message += '!'
return () =>
h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [
h(MyComponent, { message: state.message }, []),
Based on this, let's think about the information we want to have in ComponentInternalInstance
We need the definition of props specified as props: { message: { type: String } }
, and a property to actually hold the props value, so we add the following:
export type Data = Record<string, unknown>
export interface ComponentInternalInstance {
// .
// .
// .
propsOptions: Props // Holds an object like `props: { message: { type: String } }`
props: Data // Holds the actual data passed from the parent (in this case, it will be something like `{ message: "hello" }`)
Create a new file called ~/packages/runtime-core/componentProps.ts
with the following content:
export type Props = Record<string, PropOptions | null>
export interface PropOptions<T = any> {
type?: PropType<T> | true | null
required?: boolean
default?: null | undefined | object
export type PropType<T> = { new (...args: any[]): T & {} }
Add it to the options when implementing the component.
export type ComponentOptions = {
props?: Record<string, any> // Added
setup?: () => Function
render?: Function
When generating an instance with createComponentInstance
, set the propsOptions to the instance when generating the instance.
export function createComponentInstance(
vnode: VNode
): ComponentInternalInstance {
const type = vnode.type as Component;
const instance: ComponentInternalInstance = {
// .
// .
// .
propsOptions: type.props || {},
props: {},
Let's think about how to form the instance.props
At the time of component mounting, filter the props held by the vnode based on the propsOptions.
Convert the filtered object into a reactive object using the reactive
function, and assign it to instance.props
Implement a function called initProps
in componentProps.ts
that performs this series of steps.
export function initProps(
instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
rawProps: Data | null,
) {
const props: Data = {}
setFullProps(instance, rawProps, props)
instance.props = reactive(props)
function setFullProps(
instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
rawProps: Data | null,
props: Data,
) {
const options = instance.propsOptions
if (rawProps) {
for (let key in rawProps) {
const value = rawProps[key]
if (options && options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
props[key] = value
Actually execute initProps
at the time of mounting, and pass props to the setup
function as an argument.
const mountComponent = (initialVNode: VNode, container: RendererElement) => {
const instance: ComponentInternalInstance = (initialVNode.component =
// init props
const { props } = instance.vnode;
initProps(instance, props);
const component = initialVNode.type as Component;
if (component.setup) {
instance.render = component.setup(
instance.props // Pass props to setup
) as InternalRenderFunction;
// .
// .
// .
export type ComponentOptions = {
props?: Record<string, any>
setup?: (props: Record<string, any>) => Function // Receive props
render?: Function
At this point, props should be passed to the child component, so let's check it in the playground.
const MyComponent = {
props: { message: { type: String } },
setup(props: { message: string }) {
return () => h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [`message: ${props.message}`])
const app = createApp({
setup() {
const state = reactive({ message: 'hello' })
return () =>
h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [
h(MyComponent, { message: state.message }, []),
However, this is not enough, as the rendering is not updated when props are changed.
const MyComponent = {
props: { message: { type: String } },
setup(props: { message: string }) {
return () => h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [`message: ${props.message}`])
const app = createApp({
setup() {
const state = reactive({ message: 'hello' })
const changeMessage = () => {
state.message += '!'
return () =>
h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [
h(MyComponent, { message: state.message }, []),
h('button', { onClick: changeMessage }, ['change message']),
To make this component work, we need to implement updateProps
in componentProps.ts
and execute it when the component updates.
export function updateProps(
instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
rawProps: Data | null,
) {
const { props } = instance
Object.assign(props, rawProps)
const setupRenderEffect = (
instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
initialVNode: VNode,
container: RendererElement
) => {
const componentUpdateFn = () => {
const { render } = instance;
if (!instance.isMounted) {
const subTree = (instance.subTree = normalizeVNode(render()));
patch(null, subTree, container);
initialVNode.el = subTree.el;
instance.isMounted = true;
} else {
let { next, vnode } = instance;
if (next) {
next.el = vnode.el;
next.component = instance;
instance.vnode = next; = null;
updateProps(instance, next.props); // here
If the screen is updated, it's OK.
Now, you can pass data to the component using props! Great job!
Source code up to this point:
chibivue (GitHub)
As a side note, although it's not necessary, let's implement the ability to receive props in kebab-case, just like in the original Vue.
At this point, create a directory called ~/packages/shared
and create a file called general.ts
in it.
This is the place to define general functions, not only for runtime-core
and runtime-dom
Following the original Vue, let's implement hasOwn
and camelize
const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
export const hasOwn = (
val: object,
key: string | symbol,
): key is keyof typeof val =>, key)
const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g
export const camelize = (str: string): string => {
return str.replace(camelizeRE, (_, c) => (c ? c.toUpperCase() : ''))
Let's use camelize
in componentProps.ts
export function updateProps(
instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
rawProps: Data | null,
) {
const { props } = instance
// -------------------------------------------------------------- here
Object.entries(rawProps ?? {}).forEach(([key, value]) => {
props[camelize(key)] = value
function setFullProps(
instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
rawProps: Data | null,
props: Data,
) {
const options = instance.propsOptions
if (rawProps) {
for (let key in rawProps) {
const value = rawProps[key]
// -------------------------------------------------------------- here
// kebab -> camel
let camelKey
if (options && hasOwn(options, (camelKey = camelize(key)))) {
props[camelKey] = value
Now you should be able to handle kebab-case as well. Let's check it in the playground.
const MyComponent = {
props: { someMessage: { type: String } },
setup(props: { someMessage: string }) {
return () => h('div', {}, [`someMessage: ${props.someMessage}`])
const app = createApp({
setup() {
const state = reactive({ message: 'hello' })
const changeMessage = () => {
state.message += '!'
return () =>
h('div', { id: 'my-app' }, [
h(MyComponent, { 'some-message': state.message }, []),
h('button', { onClick: changeMessage }, ['change message']),